Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day Four

 I feel like I am eating, drinking and sleeping painting!  I debated at the beginning whether to do my daily painting in the morning before I went to work - say, at 5:00 a.m.  I am a morning person, so didn't think that would be a problem.  But I have decided that after work is better - in the morning, I would be hurrying to get the painting done.  So far, the evening is working out just fine.

Today's painting is 6x6 on Gessobord.


  1. Such a nice shadow there - light and colorful. I know what you mean about eating, drinking and sleeping painting. I joined the challenge and am off to a running start now each day - which is a good thing in the doldrums of winter! Looking forward to seeing more of what YOU paint each day.
